See below for a selection of the reports and deliverables EUCP has submitted to the Horizon 2020 programme.

Work Package 1 – Evaluation of existing decadal climate predictions to improve their societal impact D1.1 – Compilation and combination of multiple initialised climate predictions and delivery of real time climate predictions

D1.2 – Construction of probability forecasts for the near term horizon (up to 10 years) from multiple sources of information for a number of the most commonly used variables and tailored to specific applications

D1.3 – Recommendations for the development of a new generation of climate forecast systems

Work Package 2 – Reducing uncertainty and complexity in climate projections D2.1 – Report on the evaluation and combination of potential observational/emergent constraints relevant to European climate projections

D2.2 – Quantifying uncertainty in projections of future European climate: a multi-model multi-method approach

D2.3 – Production of uncertainty quantifications/PDFs, including separation into different components

D2.4 – Identification of optimal subsets of future climate realisations and provision of event set of present and future extreme events

Work Package 3 – Demonstrator of high impact weather in a changing climate D3.1 – Simulation strategy for convection-permitting regional climate models (CP-RCMs)

D3.2 – Fully assessed CP-RCMs for the simulation of high-impact events

D3.3 – Assessed multi-model based ensemble of simulations of high impact weather events for the historical and near future period

D3.4 – Portfolio of suitable post-processed high-impact weather events for the present day and near future

D3.5 – Outer-European domain simulations

D3.6 – Outermost regions brochure

Work Package 4 – End user-driven analysis of future climate risks and potential impacts D4.1 – Review of user needs

D4.2 – Climate/non-climate attribution of hydro-meteorological events and losses

D4.3 – Outlook of future hazards

D4.4 – Case studies and events of interest: Lessons learned and future opportunities

D4.5 – Usability of EUCP service products for end users

D4.6 – Outlook of future hazards for the outermost regions

Work Package 5 – Towards a seamless near-term European climate prediction system D5.1 – Relevance of observational and emerging constraints and their reflection in the prediction distribution functions

D5.2 – Evaluation of forecast quality over the 1-40 year time span for both global initialised forecasts and the non-initialised projections

D5.3 – Development of methods to merge probabilistic forecasts based on global initialised and non-initialised predictions to provide a seamless prediction system

D5.4 – Merging methods based on, and added value of, the high-resolution regional climate simulations

D5.5 – Storylines of predictions and projections developed and assessed for potential applications